When buying a garden office your desk or work table is going to be the key piece of furniture where you spend the bulk of your time. Part of the benefit of working in a garden office is that you have a nice view to look out on. You will also want to maximise the natural light that falls in your main work area. To this end, it has become popular to position a window above the desk.
Different styles of window to choose from
Several styles of window are available. Traditional casement windows offer a good sized window over the desk which can be easily opened for ventilation. You can see in the photo below that the casement window offers good light over the large desk area. The owner of this garden office chose the VersaDesk system that Smart Garden Offices offer, which as you can see makes full use of the space available.
Another window that is becoming popular in garden office design is the rectangular window, sometimes called a lozenge window. These windows look great when positioned above a desk, they frame a view of your garden, yet leave space above them which can be used for storage. This garden office by Swift Garden Rooms is a good example of this type of window. These windows do come in opening versions but are often just fixed panes.
In this computer rendering that we created, we have used a narrower rectangular window, which leaves some room above for some storage.
These desk height windows look cool from outside too. In this example again by Swift Garden Rooms, a double window has been used – we haven’t seen this layout before.
Another twist on this is the wrap around corner window which creates the feeling of sitting in a cockpit. This large L-shaped building is by Contemporary Garden Rooms features a narrow corner window at desk height.
As you can see your choice of window can have significant impact on the overall design of the garden office, but will also make sitting at your desk a pleasure