Although by design garden offices are comfortable places to work all year round, we know that many buyers have air conditioning on their wishlist. It is after all the easiest way to control the temperature in a garden office all year round.
We were recently talking to a chiropractor who is looking to build a clinic in his back garden. Part of the criteria he had for his new clinic was to be able to provide a constant 22°c temperature in the treatment room as this comfortable setting for patients and aids the therapy being given. While there are lots of heating systems used in garden office design which you can set the thermostat on when it comes to cooling the room, you will need open the windows to cool it, unless you install an air conditioning system.
Conventional air conditioning is the most expensive heating / cooling system available to garden office buyers. On top of the expense, you have to factor in the positioning of the condenser unit which will need to sit outside the garden office. Leaving the necessary space around this unit can steal valuable space in a small garden, and nobody can say they are attractive to look at!
New condenser-less garden office air conditioning
A new condenser-less air conditioning system has been developed by the team at Powrmatic, and it is starting to be offered by several garden office suppliers. The system takes the form of a slimline white wall panel inside the office. This looks very similar to the electric convector heaters commonly used in garden offices. This wall panel is connected to two ducts which are fitted within the wall structure. These ducts have valves on the exterior wall which are only open when the air conditioning is in use. There is no need for an outdoor unit, the only element visible externally are the two round duct valves, so it’s all very discreet.
Some models in the Powrmatic range of condenser-less air conditioning units are fitted with wifi controls, meaning you can operate the unit remotely via your smart phone. This is useful if you want to arrive at work with the office already at a comfortable temperature. The unit runs 27dB(A), so is very quiet and won’t disturb you as you work.
We think this air conditioning system will become very popular with garden office buyers, who are going to love its discreet form and price point. Ask your chosen garden office supplier if they offer the Powrmatic Condenser-less air conditioning system. If they don’t, it can easily be retrofitted.
A good retrofit air conditioning option for garden offices
The Powrmatic Vision Condenser-less air conditioning system can be retrofitted into a garden office with ease. With only two holes needing boring into the core structure, there is little disruption. It can be plugged into a regular plug socket so need for extra wiring.