Are you dreaming of escaping the daily commute, replacing it with a short walk down the garden path to a garden office shed? Well you’ve come to the right place, we know a lot about garden offices and would like to share our knowledge with you!
A garden office is more than a shed
Its fun to say you work from ‘the shed’, but in reality a garden office building is much more than a sheds. Yes its true there are a few designs on the market which are just ‘pimped up’ shed, but the majority of garden offices sold are built like houses, using the same materials and building techniques.
A garden office shed will change the way you work
Designed for year round use a garden office will be a comfortable and secure place to work from. Most designs are fully wired electrically and many suppliers also include data cabling options so that you connect to anywhere in the world from the bottom of the garden!
By cutting your daily commute down to a couple of minutes each way, your days will be much more productive, and when you have finished work for the day, you can leave it at the back door, creating the perfect work life balance.
It takes planning to get a garden office that works for you
Buying a garden office will change the way you work, it will also cost you a lot of money, so to avoid costly mistakes its important that you research all your options. We have put together this guide to help you with your research, our experts have industry experience dating back to the 1990’s and will walk you through the key stages of planning, building and using a garden office.